Oba William King tells tales

October 15–19, 2024 @ International Storytelling Center

• OCT. 15-19:Storytelling Live is held at the International Storytelling Center, Jonesborough, Tenn. Matinee performances are at 2 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. This week’s featured storytellerOba William King.Known as “The Poetic Storyteller,” King is a motivator, educator and a gripping teller whose energetic performances are designed to celebrate diversity. He tours nationally presenting his dynamic programs that include song and traditional drum. The founder of JUSTUSarts Educational Entertainment, he is an Illinois Arts Council Fellowship Award recipient in Traditional Folk Arts. King’s appearances include George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, the Kennedy Center, and the National Association of Black Storytellers. $12 senior/student/under 18; $14 adults. 800-952-8392,www.storytellingcenter.net

Category: Storytelling
