Quincy Jones is urging the Obama administration to establish a position for a Secretary of the Arts and Culture.
Artists and arts advocates are rallying around a call that has been getting louder with each administration. The call is for a Secretary of the Arts and Culture. With Barack Obama's incoming administration, the call is gaining momentum and one of the most honored voices is that of Quincy Jones.
From the NY Broadway Examiner:
"The arts are what show who we are as a society. It shows where we are headed and where we have come from. So, it comes as no surprise that in this new regime that is about to take over, that someone from the creative world would step up and speak out. Step forward, music legend and producer Quincy Jones who is urging President-elect Barack Obama to create a ministry of culture. One of the best ways to promote and preserve the cultural health of this country would be to give the arts Cabinet-level status."
To read the rest of the article CLICK HERE.
A petition has emerged and is making its way across cyberspace. Thousands have signed the petition on-line.
CLICK HERE to sign the petition. You can do so anonymously.