Emme Foster, left, and Michael Fillers audition for a role in the '5 X 10 Plays.'
GREEENEVILLE– Cast selection is complete for the upcoming “5 X 10 Plays” atTusculum University, and everyone involved in the production is moving forward with rehearsals and other preparation for the six-show run.
Theatre-at-Tusculum recently held auditions for the plays, and directors made their cast selections soon afterward. The group consists of many who are highly experienced in theater productions at Tusculum along with a few newer faces who will team to provide enriching shows for audiences.
“We are thrilled to have such strong casts for our plays and are ready to unleash our performers’ talents for audiences to enjoy,” said Steve Schultz, director ofTusculum Arts Outreach, who is overseeing the shows. “These actors are teaming with great directors to bring to life vibrant stories penned by our students and alumni as well as community members. We are excited and look forward to turning the lights onto the stage and bringing fulfillment to those in the seats.”
Theatre-at Tusculum has held the “5 X 10 Plays” every other year for 12 years, and Schultz has infused this traditional production with a new twist this year. Due to the caliber of the submission from the playwrights, he has expanded the number of plays this year to seven. Each segment, though, will still last about 10 minutes each.
Here are the playwrights, directors and actors.
“Home for Christmas”
Written by Cheyenne Hewitt
Directed by Dodger Kirkland
Cast members:
·Cynthia – Taci Kea
·Robert – Neal Seefeldt
·Victoria – Reaghan Berryhill
·Landon – Evan Litchfield
“In a Pickle”
Written by Tate Haugen
Directed by Andy Ross
Cast members:
·Draco –Todd Wallin
·Soldier – Peyton Bergquist
“The Final Stage”
Written by Z.T. Mitchell
Directed by Ed Breese
Cast members:
·Ambrose Mathison – Todd Wallin
·Mr. Silver – Michael Fillers
·Miss Tailor – Erika Tupps
·The Shadow – Evan Litchfield
“Sleeping Upstairs”
Written by Bella Gall
Directed by Frank Mengel
Cast members:
·Jeff – Thomas Seemuth
·Boy – Emme Foster
“Dead Mom’s Club”
Written by Dodger Kirkland
Directed by Erin Hensley Schultz
Cast members:
·Charlie – Neal Seefeldt
·Carrie – Marja Hughes
·Mark – Jonah Kirkland
·Allison – Lena Dean
·Doris – Angela Bride
·Server – Ava Hoeppner
“The Phone Call”
Written by Abigail Malone
Directed by Josie Norton
·Joan – Danika Florence
·Ben – Thomas Seemuth
“White Cane Boy”
Written by Tim Hagans and Steve Schultz
Directed by Steve Schultz
Cast members:
·Makayla – Brooklyn Seemuth
·Mandy – Bo Poe
·Bob – Noah Janha
·Mr. Trotter – Lee Porterfield
“Audiences will enjoy a wide array of segments within the ‘5 X 10 Plays’ that will give them a fuller understanding of the breadth of quality theater available at Tusculum,” Schultz said. “Our cast members and their directors are eager to bring their work to the stage and provide a first-rate experience for our audiences. We urge the community to join us.”
Performances areheld April 25, April 26, May 2 and May 3 at 7 p.m. and April 27 and May 4 at 2 p.m. in Behan Arena Theatre, which is located on the lower level of Annie Hogan Byrd Fine Arts Center. Tickets will be on sale athttps://www.onthestage.tickets/tusculum-university.
Anyone with questions can email Schultz atsschultz@tusculum.edu. Additional information about Tusculum’s arts programs is available athttps://site.tusculum.edu/center-for-the-arts/. To learn more about the university, visitwww.tusculum.edu.