The Appalachian Men’s Ensemble presents a concert titled “Vive L’Amour” Feb. 14 and 15 in Gray, Tennessee, and Bristol, Virginia. The program includes a variety of classic, contemporary, and folk songs on themes of love, laughter, and loss. Friday’s concert begins at 7:30 p.m. at Gray Church in Gray, Tennessee, while Saturday’s concert begins at 3 p.m. at Central Presbyterian Church, Bristol, Virginia. Donations are accepted at the door, with suggested amounts of $10 for adults and $5 for students.
“We invite the community to join us for a fun and tuneful program that has something for everyone,” said Artistic Director Noah DeLong. “From the beauty of British and Appalachian folk songs to the energy of pop and rock music, this concert will inspire you and your loved ones to ‘Put a Little Love in Your Heart.’”
The Appalachian Men’s Ensemble includes singers from across the Tri-Cities region and is committed to engaging audiences through musical precision, passion and commonality. With a dual sense of spirited fraternity and artistic excellence, AMEn aims to bring a variety of choral music to our community, and to educate, inspire, and entertain audiences through its activities. The ensemble is conducted by Dr. Noah DeLong and accompanied by Steve Sensenig on the piano.
The Appalachian Men’s Ensemble is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Additional information and concert updates can be found at and on Facebook.