A! Magazine for the Arts

Arts Marketing Training Offered

May 3, 2010

Members of Americans for the Arts are offering arts marketing training as a cornerstone of their professional development offerings.

The Arts & Science Council of Charlotte and the Delaware Division of the Arts both hosted National Arts Marketing (NAMP) workshops this spring. Delaware arts administrators learned how to stretch their marketing dollars further during No Money? No Matter! with presenter Chad Bauman, director of marketing for Washington, DC's Arena Stage. Charlotte hosted the mini-conference New Connections, run by visionary technology specialists Allison Fine, Ron Evans, and Jaki Levyr.

The panelists shared their expertise on integrating new media into a successful arts marketing mix. As always, the presenters focused on practical, implementable strategies. Ninety-three percent of Delaware participants rated the training very good or excellent. One participant said of the next NAMP workshop "it's not a "would' issue, but a "when' will I attend another class."

For more information about bringing training to your area, email NAMP Coordinator Tiffany Bradley at tbradley@artsusa.org or visit www.ArtsMarketing.org/training_workshops/topics.
