A! Magazine for the Arts

Brand Storytelling Certification is first digital badge by ETSU

April 19, 2022

East Tennessee State University is officially a player in the digital badging world with the completion of the first cohort of the Brand Storytelling Brand Film Certification powered by the ETSU Research Corporation.

It marks the first digital badge certification ever associated with ETSU as the provider.

“It is difficult to overstate what an honor this is,” said Dr. Stephen Marshall, ETSU professor and chief marketing officer for theETSU Research Corporation. “From staff at the ETSU Research Corporation to the world-class professional faculty who teach courses, Brand Storytelling offers a powerful academic and hands-on experience.”

In March, the first cohort of the Brand Film Certification received digital badges from Credly, a leading digital credential organization. The badges are awarded to certification earners who demonstrate enough skills and knowledge in brand-funded entertainment to complete the required request for proposal by the cohort’s sponsoring brand, which was Intel for the first cohort.

The digital badge is more than just an image. For the professionals who earn them, it’s a signal to current and potential employers of critical skills for this emerging industry.

“To put it simply, this is a very big deal,” said Marshall.

The Brand Storytelling Brand Film Certification is a 100% online professional certification taught by industry leaders connected to Brand Storytelling’s network of professionals in media, production, marketing, advertising, culture and entertainment. The certification appeals to industry professionals and recent college graduates looking to better understand the intersection of business, brand and film, ETSU officials said. The first Brand Storytelling Certification cohort started earlier this year in January, and five additional cohorts will launch in 2022.

Learn more about the certification and application process atbrandstorytelling.tv/certification. For more about Brand Storytelling, visitbrandstorytelling.tv. Visitetsurc.orgto learn more about the ETSU Research Corporation.
