A! Magazine for the Arts

Bristol qualifiers announced for Tennessee Songwriters Week showcase

February 25, 2025

Four regional songwriters are one step closer to earning a dream gig at Nashville’s famed Bluebird Cafe. Recently, songwriters gathered at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum in historic downtown Bristol to compete in the Tennessee Songwriters Week qualifying round. The event, held in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, was part of a statewide effort to celebrate the foundation of the craft for which Tennessee is known.

“This is one of my favorite events of the year,” said Charlene Baker, communications manager for the Birthplace of Country Music, parent organization of the museum, the annual Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion music festival, and WBCM Radio Bristol. “In addition to shining a spotlight on our venues and talent, songwriters have the opportunity to meet and form community. It’s a very supportive environment and such a positive experience for everyone who attends.”

The Bristol qualifying round streamed live on Radio Bristol’s Facebook page and is still available for viewing.

Qualifying round songwriters Camden Benoit, Erin Dalton, Claire Chill and Austin Barrett move forward in the competition to the showcase round at Paramount Bristol, in February. Alternates Jacy Chadwell of Ewing, Virginia, and Lloyd Irving White of Rogersville, Tennessee, were chosen to step in if either of the qualifying round winners are unable to fulfill their commitments. One songwriter will be chosen from the Paramount show to perform at Bluebird Cafe in March along with other finalists from the state.

Benoit, a songwriter based in Johnson City, Tennessee, placed first in the competition with his original work, “Birdsong.” Once referred to as “a real artist in a sea of ABC family series previews,” Benoit draws inspiration from Bob Dylan’s protest folk songs of the 1960s finger style bossa nova. You can find his music by visiting linktr.ee/camdenbenoit.

Dalton placed second with “A Place for Dreaming.” Also based in Johnson City, Tennessee, Dalton is well-seasoned vocalist, songwriter and educator, as well as a classically-trained pianist, composer and arranger. She earned her B.M. in music composition from Gardener-Webb University and spent a year studying jazz piano with renowned composter and Steinway artist Chad Lawson. She is currently front-woman for the band Charlie Maples. Visit charliemaplesmusic.com for more music.

Chill, a multi-instrumentalist, music educator and songwriter from Big Stone Gap, Virginia, placed third with her song “Burning House.” Though she grew up playing folk and old-time music with her sisters, she has broadened her repertoire to include blues, indie and contemporary forms of jazz. Claire co-founded Mac Music with her sister, Madison Denhardt, in their hometown. Mac Music offers instrument repair and private music lessons. Subscribe to Claire’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/@clairechillmusic.

Originally from Bristol, Tennessee, and residing in Fairview, North. Carolina, Barrett is a two-time semi-finalist in the International Songwriting Competition. Barrett holds degrees in psychology and bluegrass, old-time and country music studies from East Tennessee State University and earned his Master’s from Berklee College of Music. Barrett has more than 30 students and teaches a number of disciplines - guitar, piano, songwriting and music theory. His song “Somewhere In Between” is semi-autobiographical tune about how he met his wife. His music is available through his website at austinbarrettmusic.com.

TDTD partners with The Bluebird Cafe, Nashville Songwriters Association International, Taylor Guitars, and music venues and local convention and visitors’ bureaus, chambers of commerce and partners across the state, all committed to make sure songwriters can share their original work onstage with other writers.

Follow along with Tennessee Songwriters Week by following @tnvacation and #madeinTN, #NowPlayingTN
