A! Magazine for the Arts celebrates its 25th birthday this month.
You are cordially invited to help us celebrate our birthday Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. at the Paramount Center for the Arts, Bristol, Tenn. We’ll have a bite to eat and a beverage (cash bar). There will be a short presentation on our plans for the future and then we’ll eat cake. The party is free and open to everyone.
Our cover story provides a brief history of our 25 years and insights from local arts professionals.
It’s been a fascinating 25 years - filled with great art, music, theater and more. It’s is our privilege to share their accomplishments and passion with you, our readers.
Like any non-profit, paying the bills is sometimes a challenge, and we are proud that we’ve managed that feat. We thank all of you who have supported us financially throughout the years. Whether you are an advertiser or a donor, we could not have made it without you.
We are grateful to the immense pool of talent in our region. Getting to know you throughout this quarter of a century has been a genuine pleasure. We thank you for allowing us to share insights into your artistic lives with our readers.
We thank our AAME board members Erika Barker, Maggie Bishop. Beth Flannagan, Ann Holler, Meghan McCarty, T J Dewitt, Martin Dotterweich, Callie Hietela, Ben Jennings, Tina McDaniel, Ellen Myatt, Gloria Oster, Langley Shazor and Joe Strickland
And finally to our readers. We look forward to the next 25 years and hope that you will make the journey with us.