Don't judge anyone until you've walked in their shoes is the message from The Old Lady Next Door, a novel by Tazewell, Va. resident Linda Hudson Hoagland.
Linda Hudson Hoagland of Tazewell, Va. has written four novels and two collections of short stories. She has had more than 20 essays, short stories and poems published. The Little Old Lady Next Door is her first release with PublishAmerica.
The Little Old Lady Next Door proves that living a sheltered childhood is not always good. Ellen discovers deceit and pain as she travels through life from being a naive country girl to acquiring the basic instincts to survive in the big city. She faces not one crossroads, but many, and she does not always choose the correct path.
Ellen didn't choose to be fat, but she is. She didn't choose to become pregnant with her first child while unmarried, but it was her fault, and she knows it. Ellen didn't choose to fall in love with a married man, but she does, and she struggles to walk away from a situation she knows she cannot win. All she asks is that you don't judge her until and unless you've traveled in her shoes.
Hoagland holds three associate degrees from Southwest Virginia Community College. Married and a mother, she has been employed as the purchase order clerk for the Tazewell County Public School System for approximately 20 years.