Department: Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Course Number: 6955
Course Title: Grant and Proposal Development
Semester Hours: Three (3)
Cost of the course: $986.00
Spring Semester: Starts January - Ends May - About 15 weeks, but they won't meet every week. Some will be on Internet. Classes will be for about 3 hourson Tuesday nights 7-10p.m.
Text(s) and/or Required Readings
Bauer, D.G. (2004). The "How To" Grants Manual: Successful Grant Seeking Techniques for Obtaining Public and Private Grants (5th Ed.)Greenwood Publishing. ISBN: 0-27598-070-7
Catalog Description
This course examines the possibilities for additional funding through grant development. Students use newsletters, foundation and government publications, as well as Internet to locate sources of funding. Interviews are conducted with persons who have had previous success in receiving grant funding. The course also emphasizes refinement of writing skills, development of an organizational vision, goal setting, political realities, and public relations techniques. Budget development with software options as well as audit protocol will also be explored. Presentation and team building skills are another critical dimension to successful grant funding and implementation.
Relationship of Course to College and Program Philosophy and Goals
Securing grant and alternative funding strongly supports program emphases on participatory leadership, development of an organizational vision, and securing group commitment toward goal attainment.
Course Objectives
Students will:
1. Gain strategies for leading organizations to incorporate new ideas and develop a vision.
2. Explore competencies needed to lead groups, develop projects, and conduct meetings.
3. Review a variety of funding sources.
4. Use electronic information networks to link with funding sources.
5. Gain skill in developing and communicating a vision.
6. Refine their ability to write a grant.
7. Develop interview skills to gather information.
8. Refine their editing, critical thinking, and critiquing skills.
9. Meet and converse with a variety of stakeholders in the grant writing process.
10. Gather political insights regarding grant funding.
11. Gain marketing and public relations savvy.
12. Expand their technology repertoire to include software for budget development, finding sources, and for writing reviews.
13. Review funding opportunities to meet the needs of diverse and disenfranchised groups.
14. Develop a detailed budget and evaluation plan.
15. Consider implementation responsibilities.
16. Learn the benefits of careful project follow through.
Course Topics
1. Grant funding sources.
2. Exploration of proven expertise in securing funding.
3. Organizational vision and goal development.
4. Presentation skills.
5. Writing skills for developing grants.
6. Technological and other sources of grant requests for proposals.
7. Interview skills.
8. Developing a writing team.
9. Political insights and realities.
10. Marketing and public relations savvy.
11. Budget formation, maintenance, and preparing for an audit.
12. Implementation and follow through.
Class Activities & Requirements
Students will conduct, summarize, and present the results of interviewing a person with successful grant writing experience. Students will develop a grant which is fully ready for submission. Students will critique each other's writing and copies of grants. Instructionally, students complete most activities individually or in small groups. Students may examine and critique abstracts and then attempt to write their own with support from their small group. Students may simulate being part of a review board or being a grant presenter. Each week students submit for small and large group review portions of grants they are writing.
Field Experience Requirements
Students interview persons at a variety of agencies or in schools with past success in attaining grants. The entire class meets in the Office of Institutional Research to learn from the director and to explore that office's technological capabilities (if time and schedules permit).
For additional information and to sign up for the class, contact SueFulmer at ETSU at Bristol 423-844-6300.