A! Magazine for the Arts

Grants Available for Arts Projects

November 3, 2008

ATLANTA, Ga. -- The Southern Arts Federation, headquartered in Atlanta, Ga. has announced a new grant program for arts presenters.

Aimed at smaller presenters, the Southern Fast Track Touring/Literary Arts grant program seeks to establish an active arts environment in underserved communities.

This grant program offers organizations the opportunity to receive fee support to present writers who reside outside of the presenter's state. Support is awarded to literary projects that contain both a reading and an educational component such as a writing workshop. The maximum request is 50% of the writer's fee, up to $2,500. The postmark deadline is 60 days prior to the project start date.

Only literary arts presenters with an annual operating budget of $100,000 or less are eligible to apply.


  • Technical Assistance strengthens Southern non-profit presenting organizations by providing opportunities for contracting with outside consultants. Applications must be postmarked 60 days prior to the project start date. The maximum request is 50% of the consultant fee, up to $2,500.
  • To enhance Southern arts organizations' capacity through technical assistance and resources, SAF offers a limited number of professional development and travel subsidies for non-profit presenting arts organizations to attend the 2008 Performing Arts Exchange, Sept. 24-27, in Atlanta, Ga. This program provides financial support for conference expenses.

For guidelines and application forms, visit http://www.southarts.org and click "Grant Opportunities".
