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Missed The Deadline
for A! Magazine?
If your press release misses the deadline
for our print edition, we will consider it
for our on-line edition and email digest.
The March 2008 edition of A! Magazine for the Arts will celebrate the historic Barter Theatre's 75th Anniversary. Be a part of this special publication.
Following are deadlines
for MARCH 2008 edition:
February 1
to submit press releases & photos
February 6
to reserve advertising space
February 13
to submit digital-ready ads
February 27
magazine ready for distribution
Distribution: A! Magazine is inserted in the Bristol Herald Courier, our community partner. Free copies are also available at locations throughout Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.
CLICK HERE for the A! Magazine distribution list, advertising rates, and to download an advertising order form.
Contact Volunteer Director/Advertising Ann McIver Goodpasture by phone, 276-608-4337, by fax, 276-676-3617, or email advertising@artsmagazine.info