A! Magazine for the Arts

Jewelry Designer Grateful for Coverage

January 21, 2008

January 6, 2008

Re: A! Magazine for the Arts 12/07 issue
"Wearable Art: Stunning Work by Jewelry Designers"

Dear A! Magazine,

I am writing to express, once again, my gratitude for the wonderfularticle you wrote about studio jewelry and designers in the December2007 issue. You and your committee did a fabulous job in conveying tothe readership the processes, techniques and styles used by the fourdesigners you featured, including my own. I am very happy with theexcellent coverage of my work including the cover! And, I like thatthe cover story is online!

I am confident this excellent coverage will help me to net some futurecommission work. And the publicity will also help me in my efforts toseek future gallery accounts. I plan to use this article as part of my2008 press kit.


Glenna Fleiner
Bristol, Virginia

To read the December '07 cover story click HERE.
