GreenStone Gallery uses iPad technology to showcase images on a 55-inch monitor (right) so artworks on file can be viewed life-size. (Photo by Jeffrey Stoner)
GreenStone Studio & Gallery
310 S. Roan St., Johnson City, Tenn.
423-232-4700 •
After retiring from Wellmont Health System about 10 years ago, Paul Bishop decided to do "what I had always hoped to, and that was become a professional photographer." He opened a studio in Kingsport, Tenn., and worked with a colleague for a number of years doing a full range of photography, including commercial work, photo printing, portraits, and weddings, as well as some fine art pieces.
After moving to Johnson City four years ago, Bishop began looking for a studio in the downtown district. Two years ago, he found "just the right space on South Roan Street, with 16-foot ceilings, an important consideration for my backdrops and lighting." The space was only a short walk from Nelson Fine Art, where Bishop has maintained a gallery space for nine years. "The Nelson Fine Art space allows me to show fine art pieces for sale as wall art," he notes.
This past year, Bishop became convinced that the developing art district in downtown Johnson City was a great place in which to invest. He says, "The arts community is on a growth curve, making the downtown district a very worthwhile place to visit and a worthwhile place to make a business investment. I feel strongly that the Johnson City arts district is growing with each passing day."
When the space next to his new studio became available, he established a fine art gallery representing other local artists as well as showing his own artwork. Using his long-time business name, GreenStone, he calls the joint operation GreenStone Studio and Gallery. The Gallery is open to the general public from the afternoon into the early evening.
Bishop says, "The response so far has been very positive," especially for the high-tech, innovative things the Gallery offers. Bishop explains, "GreenStone Gallery is not overly large (measuring some 1,350 square feet); and, not wanting to have the gallery feel crowded, I decided to make use of digital technology to extend the gallery. Currently there are 11 artists, including myself, who have several pieces hanging in the gallery. Using iPad technology, we show additional pieces to guests who want to look more intensely at work of certain artists. In some cases, the artist may have only a few additional pieces for sale, while others may have dozens, but collectors can get a good idea of what is available by looking at the digital images. If they are interested in seeing an additional piece, the gallery will arrange with the artist to have it shown at the gallery and the potential purchaser can even meet the artist and discuss the artwork under consideration." One impressive feature of iPad technology is the ability to wirelessly transmit images to a 55-inch monitor, so the artworks on file can be seen life-size. The gallery is also developing an interactive website to feature artists' work for clients who want to take a sneak peek at the gallery or review what they have seen in a visit.
GreenStone Art Printing
inside Nelson Fine Art Center
The latest addition to the GreenStone family of art-related businesses is GreenStone Art Printing. Both Bishop and Jerry Greer, a nature photographer and experienced printer, have maintained gallery spaces at Nelson for years. Recently they combined their spaces and installed a large photo and artwork-capable printer, the Epson 9890, to do custom print work for other artists. The printer uses papers up to 44 inches wide. Greer has a 40 x 60 image hanging at GreenStone Gallery, and someone else is interested in a 40 x 90 image. Dick Nelson will provide the mounting and hanging services for these large prints.
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