Elizabeth B. Brown
Johnson City resident Elizabeth B. Brown's fifth book was released recently. "Standing Up When Life Falls Down Around You" was published by Fleming H. Revell/Baker Publishing Group.
Her first book, "Sunrise Tomorrow, Coping with the Death of a Child." was written after her 6-year-old child died. Her publisher says "Elizabeth Brown writes about anchors and lifelines that pull you from the swamp of emotions that threaten to drown you in life's difficult times - the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the betrayal of a friend, the turmoil of complex family issues. In those world-rocking times we hang on to hurts and wither, or we make choices that help us navigate through the rough seas."
Brown began writing as a college freshman with a series of newspaper articles. "I actually first tasted the thrill of writing when the Bristol Herald Courier and two other newspapers published a series of weekly articles. I wrote "Traveling by Trailer' as our family traveled around the United States with a travel trailer - quite an adventure for our family of six with children ranging in age from college to 2 years old," she says.
She is the author of four other books: "Sunrise Tomorrow, Coping with the Death of a Child," "The Joy Choice; Living Successfully with Screwed Up People," "Surviving the Loss of a Child, Hope for Grieving Parents" and "Working Successfully with Screwed-Up People."
Brown is a teacher, speaker and professional counselor. For more information, visit www.elizabethbbrown.com.