By Bonny Gable
Bonny Gable is a former theater professor and freelance writer based in Bristol, Virginia.
Kevin and Ann Townsend share music for the sheer love of it. Music played a role in their meeting and still thrives as a joint interest in their marriage today.
“We met attending high school at the South CarolinaGovernor’sSchool for Science and Mathematics, a two-year residential magnet school,” Kevin says. “We were introduced by a mutual friend.” When Kevin learned that Ann played piano for the school chorus, he quickly joined the group so he could turn pages for her.
But each began a musical life long before that fortuitous introduction in high school. Both credit the influence of parents and solid educational opportunities with forging their path in the performing arts.
“My dad was a band director and church minister of music, and my mom was the church pianist,” Kevin says. “My family jokes that no one had a choice about music, we were forced into it. I took piano lessons from fourth through 10th grade (involuntarily), and I started trumpet in the fifth grade. When band was offered in the seventh grade, I took it. I don’t think I minded, but there was no other option in our family. I also regularly took private trumpet lessons up through 10th grade.”
“My parents were both singers,” says Ann. “My mom played the piano some, and my dad played some traditional Chinese instruments from his homeland and he played the violin. As a young child, my brother and I were put into piano lessons and took private lessons regularly through high school. I started the violin at age 8 and also took private lessons through high school. Mostly I played in church and for local music competitions. There was also a very active youth symphony nearby, CharlestonYouth Symphony in South Carolina, that I played in for many years.” Ann won two different piano competitions and was a featured soloist with the Charleston Youth Symphony and the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra.
The summer after 10th grade, Kevin attended the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts, a summer residential program. “That is where I had ‘formal’ conducting training, since all the musicians had conducting classes. We also took classes in music theory, music history and of course, we played our instruments a lot.”
Ann also attended the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts as a teen. “This was a year after Kevin attended, and the summer before I met Kevin. At that summer camp I met the person who later introduced us.”
The couple acknowledge all the positive influences during their formative years. “We both recognize that we were very fortunate to have a strong music education, largelydue to the opportunity to regularly take private lessons.”
A major part of the couple’s shared musical activity is their work with the Heart of Appalachia Orchestra, a community orchestra based in Lebanon, Virginia.
“The orchestra was founded in 2000 by Janith Valley,” Kevin says. “She and Charles Wallace, then band director at Lebanon High School, directed it until 2004. When Ann and I moved to this area in July 2004, the orchestra was inactive and looking for a new conductor.I happened to play the trumpet at the Lebanon Memorial United Methodist Church with their choir and handbell choir. The handbell choir couldn’t see the director, Wrenda Fuller, so I was following her and conducting so they could see, mirroring Wrenda’s conducting. A few members of the orchestra were there and they realized I could conduct so they asked me.” In the fall of 2005, Kevin began leading the orchestra, with Ann joining as a violinist.
In this leadership role, Kevin wears many hats. “As the conductor/director I pick the music for the upcoming season, order it, put it in folders, and then try to work with the ensemble to learn the music through the season. I also coordinate with the concert venues to schedule concerts. And when the brass ensemble plays or there is a guest conductor, I play the trumpet.”
Ann primarily plays the violin in the orchestra, although she occasionally plays the piano and/or percussion. She sometimes conducts sub-group performances of the orchestra, such as brass ensembles.
The Heart of Appalachia Orchestra is a 501c3 organization and both Kevin and Ann serve on the board, along with several other orchestra members. Musicians from Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina and Kentucky play in the orchestra. Members span a wide range of ages as well as a variety of professions, such as education, finance, medicine, agriculture and the postal service. The orchestra gives seven concerts each year at venues in Lebanon, Abingdon and St. Paul, Virginia.
Ann is a family medicine physician practicing in Abingdon, Virginia. Kevin served several years in the navy as a submarine officer, and later became a paramedic. He teaches with the Southwest Virginia Community College Paramedic Program providing scenario and skill training as well as assisting in practicals and labs.
“Music is primarily a hobby for us, a significant hobby, but still a hobby,” says Kevin. Yet through their beloved pastime, both make valuable contributions to the arts in our region. Aside from their work with Heart of Appalachia Orchestra, the pair take on other musical projects.
“We play regularly at church,” Kevin says, “usually me on trumpet with Ann accompanying me on piano. Butoccasionallywe’ll play a trumpet and violin duet.” Ann is Kevin’s regular accompanist whenever he plays a trumpet solo at any venue. “I have the huge advantage of being able to easily rehearse, multiple times, with my accompanist,” says Kevin. “And it makes it a lot easier to play somewhere else, since I’m usually able to bring my accompanist with me.” Kevin also plays with the State Line Wind Symphony and Winds of the Mountain Empire.
The couple make their home in Abingdon, Virginia. When not making music together, they share a variety of outdoors interests, especially hiking, horseback riding and running.
Learn more about Heart of Appalachia Orchestra at