A! Magazine for the Arts

Knoxville Photo seeks entries

April 27, 2020

Hosted by the Arts & Culture Alliance, the eighth annual Knoxville Photo seeks entries. Knoxville Photo was developed to provide a forum for artists to compete on a national scale and display their work. Approximately 40 photographic works from both emerging and established artists will be selected by the juror, Rocky Kenworthy, for exhibition in the main gallery of the Emporium Center from July 3-31.

The deadline for entries to be received is midnight Sunday, May 3. Awards include $500 Best in Show, five $100 Best of Category awards, and a $50 cash award for Best Work by an Alliance member.

Works may not have previously exhibited in any exhibition at the Emporium Center or in any Alliance satellite gallery (including Knoxville’s McGhee Tyson Airport). Entries must be original works taken within the last two years in the following categories: The Human Experience, Our Earth, Still Life, Travel or Digital Imagination.The nonrefundable entry fee is $30 for up to three images ($20 for Arts & Culture Alliance members and students). Up to seven additional images may be submitted for $5/each ($4 for members/students).

Kenworthy has been working in the photography industry for more than 35 years. Arriving in New York City in the late ‘80s. He spent the next 10 years working and collaborating with photographers, photo editors, design firms and advertising agencies in various capacities as assistant, production coordinator, photographer and retoucher. Discovering his passion for printing in the early 2000s, he establishedDot Editionsin 2005, a boutique fine art printing studio on the East Coast. With Dot Editions, Kenworthy brings together and applies the knowledge of traditional photographic printing methods to the evolving digital process for photographers who wish to publish limited fine art works.

Artists may find more information and an entry form at www.knoxalliance.com/photo-entry/.
