A! Magazine for the Arts

Local Arts Representatives Attend Nashville Meeting

April 12, 2010

NASHVILLE, TN -- Representatives from 11 designated agencies gathered at the Tennessee Arts Commission's office in Nashville on March 11, 2010 for the annual Arts Build Communities and Student Ticket Subsidy administration meeting.

These agencies administer the ABC and STS programs on a local level across Tennessee on behalf of the Commission. At the meeting, Commission leadership and staff provided updated policies and materials to the designated agencies, and engaged in open dialogue about the programs.

"Clear communication between the designated agencies and the Commission is crucial to the success of these programs," said Rich Boyd, the Commission's executive director. "The staff focuses each year on the improvement of all our programs, and with the partnership of these designated agencies, the ABC and STS programs have become stronger each year."

For more information about Arts Build Communities or Student Ticket Subsidy contact Leigh Patton, director of community arts development, at 615- 532-9796 or e-mail leigh.patton@tn.gov.
