Madison Harosky
Madison Harosky came to her involvement with theater in high school when a friend’s passion for theater became contagious.
“Growing up, I always had an appreciation and interest for the arts, but I was heavily involved in sports and was perfectly happy observing music and theater from a distance. I never saw myself as creative or artsy and that was okay with me. As I started high school, my closest friend became involved in our drama department and constantly talked about how incredible it was.
“She told me about the friends she had made, the practical skills she was learning, and the beautiful stories it allowed her to tell. After four years of hearing about my friend’s experience, I found myself with an open spot in my schedule and decided to fill it with theater. From the second I joined the class, I was embraced by the students and encouraged to explore opportunities and ideas.
“During October of my senior year, I asked my teacher if I could write and direct my own play and two months later, I had put together a full production of a Christmas murder mystery entitled, ‘Mistletoe Murder.’ I learned and grew more than I ever could have imagined throughout that process and became determined to make theater a part of my future. Shortly after, I auditioned and enrolled in the Emory & Henry theater program where I continued to define my path and find my way in the world of theater,” Madison says.
At Emory & Henry, she discovered that her true joy comes from stage management.
“The thing that I love most about theater is the collaboration involved in putting together a production. In any given show, there is a cast, director, designers, crew members and many more. Every single one of those humans are integral in bringing something different to the world of the play, and together they are able to help bring breathtaking stories to life. I am heavily involved in the production side of theater, pursuing a career as a stage manager. This role allows me to see the ideas that each individual is putting in from the beginning of the process, watch it evolve and eventually see all of the hard work come together,” she says.
She is a BFA Stage Management/Directing major and has had many opportunities to grow in those areas. She has begun working with electrics and enjoys lighting and programming. She has also taken costuming classes which has opened up the door to design and construct costumes as well as manage the costume shop. Lighting and costuming, along with her major in stage management have led her to opportunities where she is not only able to step up at college and lead but is able to pursue professional opportunities such as interning/working at Barter Theatre.
“If you had told me five years ago that theater would be such a big part of my life today, I would not have believed you. I never would have imagined that this world would become my home. Theater has given me a safe space, somewhere to make friends, somewhere to make mistakes, somewhere to tell stories, somewhere to challenge myself, somewhere to create. It gives me somewhere that I am able to dream without fear and know that I have a support system in place to help me achieve those dreams. I love that theater is an ever evolving industry that is truly working to be inclusive and make a difference, and I want to be a part of that. I want to be a part of something that is constantly working and changing for the better, and I want that change to occur in me as well. Theater is such an exciting art but more than that, it is an exciting and important lifestyle, one that I hope to live out for the rest of my life.
“The beautiful thing about having such a well-rounded education is that I have so many interests that I would love to explore. This spring, I will be attending several conferences and interviewing with different theaters around the nation. My dream is to work on a large touring production as the stage manager and be able to travel while doing what I love. I think the unique challenges that a tour requires would push me greatly, and I would develop new skills that I haven’t had the chance to grow yet. After traveling for a little while, I hope to settle down and continue my career as a resident stage manager at a regional theater. I have so much respect and appreciation for art in local communities and I would love to have a hand in that,” Madison says.
Madison is the daughter of Carla Callahan and Chuck Harosky. She is from Bristol, Virginia and is a senior at Emory & Henry College.