"Music on the Sidewalk" by Mandy Barker
The judges of the city's Paper Windows Project announced the winners of Session 10. During this session photographers were to show what the "Sound of Music" meant in their mind's eye.
Project Coordinator, Lisa Beckner said, "We were certain we would get lots of concert photos, with all the music that goes on in downtown Bristol it was a given. However, we were surprised to get some of the photos that actually had nothing to do with music in the way one would expect and those shots were equally beautiful. It was more about music we hear in nature or see rather than hear. It was a wonderful concept.
The first place winner is Mandy Barker, with her picture titled "Music on the Sidewalk." The shot contained one of the city's sidewalk water meter covers and a mandolin. It was presented in black and white, creating a very stark image.
The second place winner was sent in by Regina Shinall. Shinall's shot was full of vibrant color and shot at the Downtown Center during one of the city's Tribute Series concerts. The featured performer was a Rod Stewart look-a-like. The photo was titled "Impersonating Legendary Rod Stewart."
The third place was taken by Terri Campbell, who shot a performer at one of the many Border Bash concerts hosted downtown during the summer months. The picture was titled "Kenny Vaughan at Border Bash."