A! Magazine for the Arts

'Round the Mountain Receives $20,000 Grant

March 1, 2011

ABINGDON, VA – In an effort to provide needed artisan entrepreneurial training throughout the region, `Round the Mountain is working with Wachovia, a Wells Fargo company, to help make this a reality.

To that end, Wachovia has awarded a $20,000 grant to `Round the Mountain: Southwest Virginia's Artisan Network to support these efforts. This is the third year in a row the organization has received grant funds from Wachovia.

"Round the Mountain: Southwest Virginia's Artisan Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of artisans, agritourism and craft-related businesses in Southwest Virginia. Based in Abingdon, the organization carries out its mission to promote sustainable economic development by assisting local artisans with marketing, educational, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

"With this assistance from Wachovia, `Round the Mountain will be able to provide sector specific educational opportunities throughout the region specifically targeting our underserved communities," said Diana Blackburn, executive director of `Round the Mountain. With several regional economic development projects nearing completion, such as the Artisan Trails of Southwest Virginia and Heartwood, Southwest Virginia's Artisan Gateway, it is now more important than ever to be able to offer the entrepreneurial training that our membership is requesting."

"Wachovia is committed to making a positive difference in the communities it serves," said Marsha Johnson, Wachovia/Wells Fargo's Community Development Officer for Western Virginia. "With this grant, Wachovia/Wells Fargo will help stimulate economic growth in many of our Southwest Virginia communities by giving them the entrepreneurial training and tools needed to be successful."

Robyn Raines, chair of `Round the Mountain's Education Committee adds, "It's always refreshing when initiatives in art and craft education are supported. Education in the arts really works to help create well-rounded citizens in our communities, as well as develop our region's creative economy."

For more information about `Round the Mountain, visit the website at www.roundthemountain.org, email info@roundthemountain.org or call 276-492-2079.
