A! Magazine for the Arts

Sneak Peek at 'Now & Then' Magazine

July 29, 2008

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. -- The summer edition of Now & Then: The Appalachian Magazine, published by East Tennessee State University, is themed "Urbane Appalachia."

According to editor Fred Sauceman, "We hope this issue shapes perceptions, and that readers who may only be vaguely familiar with our rich, varied, and complex region come to see no tension between the words urbane and Appalachia."

Indeed, from the issue's cover to its closing page, readers will see long-perpetuated regional stereotypes shrink from view. Arts-related articles include a look at the 100-year anniversary of John Fox, Jr.'s book, The Trail of the Lonesome Pine; the resurgence of independent bookstores; the flourishing of symphony orchestras in Appalachia; profiles of Appalachian classical masters Kenton Coe and Edgar Meyer; and three articles about the culinary arts. As with each issue, some of Appalachia's best poets contribute their works, and noteworthy Appalachian books and CDs are reviewed.

Founded in 1984, Now & Then is published twice annually and welcomes freelance contributions. It tells the story of Appalachia, the mountain region that extends from northern Mississippi to southern New York.

To find out more visit: www.etsu.edu/cass/nowandthen.
