The Tennessee Arts Commission has reinstated its Arts Build Communities grant program. The ABC grant provides support for arts projects that broaden access to arts experiences, address community quality of life issues throughthe arts, and enhance the sustainability of asset-based cultural experiences.
Through the ABC grant program, the Commission seeks to build communities by nurturing artists, arts organizations and arts supporters in each of Tennessee's counties. ABC grants are coordinated with regional designated agencies. Local agencies are Rose Center, Morristown and the Johnson City Area Arts Council.
"During the year the Arts Build Communities program was on hiatus, the Commission received overwhelming feedback from past grant recipients and community members statewide about the value of the program," says Anne Pope, executive director of the Tennessee Arts Commission. "It reinforced our understanding about how important ABC has been in helping local communities preserve and grow their cultural assets."
Awards range from $500 to $2,000. The funds may be used for a variety of quality arts projects. All events sponsored in part or entirely with ABC funds must be open to the general public. Community involvement is an important component in the planning and implementation of ABC projects.
Applications must be submitted online through the Tennessee Arts Commission's eGrant system by 4:30 p.m. (CT) July 1. The ABC online application is at Once there, scroll over "Grants" on the left side of the home page, and click on the eGrant button to access the ABC application. Faxed, mailed or hand delivered applications will not be accepted.
Prior to submitting an application, qualifying organizations should discuss the program or project proposal with the designated agency, or the Tennessee Arts Commission representative.
For more information on the ABC grant program contact Shannon Ford, director of community arts development, at 615-532-9796 or e-mail: