'Morning Glow' by Belinda Bridwell
2022 marks the 20thAnnual Kingsport Spring Spectacular Photography Contest and Exhibition.
The judges, who haveextensive backgrounds in photography, were chosen by Ann Fortney, the creator and organizer of the Kingsport Spring Spectacular Photography Contest and Exhibition.She picks the judges based on their expertise and tries to change the judges every year.“I want the participants in the contest and everyone to understand when their photographs are being judged they are being judged by the best,” says Fortney.
According to Ann, the judges blindly score the photographs.She explains that the Eastman Camera Club loans her a light box and scoring boxes that allows the judges to place their score for the photograph they are looking at without each other knowing what the other judges scored.Those scores go to a master box which the scorekeeper records.The judges have no idea which photograph is the winner until it is announced at the end of the category being judged.“There were ties in every category. It happens every year.” Fortney said, “That is the kind of talent we have in this competition.We have had to break ties in every category almost every year.”The 2022 judges were Mark Freeman, Jim Goodwin, Jared Patrick, Paul Pope and Jeffrey Sturgill.
Fortneysays she had 83 participants entering 489 photographs this year, the third highest amount since beginning the event.There were 41 new participants and 42 veteran or returning participants, including 11 youth participants entering 25 photographs.
Shehas been wanting to expand the contest to another level of competition, the master’s Level.That dream came true, last year, when one of her judges, who works at the Kingsport Times News, told her that the Kingsport Times News would be the sponsor for the master’s Level.“I was ecstatic; when he told me this news. What a way to start the next 20 years, with a new level of competition,” she says.She explains that she chooses the photographers, who will participate in the Master level.They will move up from the Proficient level.“It’s all about challenging yourself to do better. That is how you become your best,” she says.She has watched a few photographers go from entering the contest, years ago as an amateur, move up to the proficient level and are now getting published or hanging their own shows in galleries. With this year being the inaugural year for the master’s level; Fortneysaid she chose four photographers to move up to the master’s level.
The exhibition portion of the event is hanging in the Main and Atrium Galleries at the Kingsport Renaissance Center. The exhibition opened with an awards reception: which is open to the public, to recognize the winners with their monetary prizes, and for those attending to get a first look at the photographs entered. Fortney said that it is a time to be proud and have bragging rights. She prides herself on hanging every photograph that is entered, and not just the photographs that placed and received Honorable Mention ribbons.“Everyone works all year to take photographs they feel could win or place.I feel if they care enough about this event to enter this competition; then I should care enough to give everyone a chance to say their photographs are hanging in an exhibition/gallery,” she says.“Every one of the photos are hanging and the ribbons are also hanging with the winning photos.
There was a total of $2,900awarded this year to the First, Second, Third Place, Best of Show, Jerry Penley “I Love the Blue Ridge/Appalachian Region” Award, and People’s Choice. There were 163 Honorable Mentions awarded.
The 2022 Kingsport Spring Spectacular Photography Contest and Exhibition winners and Honorable Mentions are listed by Level and Category:
YOUTH:Firstplace- “Spring Babies” by Peyton Lingerfelt, secondplace- “Do You Mind?” by Madison Sartain, thirdplace- “Walk in the Park” by Madison Sartain, Honorable Mentions- Peyton Lingerfelt, Megan Starnes, Caitlyn Checchi, Madison Sartainand Carson Crouch.
AMATEUR NATURE COLOR:Firstplace- “The Good, Bad, & Ugly” by William Meekes, secondplace- “Summertime Promises of Yosesite” by Steven Jarrett, thirdplace- “Stumpy Lake Sunset Reflections” by Tim Pennington, Honorable Mentions- Stan Ricker, Cheryl Humphrey, Michael Starnes, Gregory Hurd, Bill Watkins, Christy Peters, Elle Sartainand Michael Barrett.
AMATEUR NATURE MONOCHROME:Firstplace- “Fleeting Window” by Bill Watkins, secondplace- “Spirit” by Julie Byers, thirdplace- “Fire Fox” by Stan Ricker, honorable mentions- Michael Starnesand Michael Barrett.
AMATEUR PICTORIAL COLOR: Firstplace- “Truckin” by Bill Watkins, secondplace- “Gnome Trails” by Robert C. Murray, thirdplace- “Azalea Mountain Pass” by Michael Starnes, honorable mentions- Julie Byers, Michelle McFarland, Michael Starnes, Christy Peters, Kelly E. Heaton, Tim Pennington, Kathy Wilson, Elle Sartain, Eric Crouch, Crystal Ramirez, Grace Juodaitis, Michael Barnett, Janina Peltierand Chris Peltier.
AMATEUR PICTORIAL MONOCHROME:Firstplace- “Where Dinos Roam” by Janina Peltier, secondplace- “Into the Past” by Janina Peltier, thirdplace- “Where Walking Trees Go” by Christy Peters, honorable mentions- Michael Starnes, Kim Mickow, Nancy Crumley, Tabatha Harlow, Mary Alice Basconi, Kelly E. Heatonand Eric Crouch,
AMATEUR CARRIE PENLEY SPECIAL THEME “SONGS”:Firstplace- “She’s a Butterfly” by Beverly Meekes, secondplace- “Intergalactic by Beastie Boys” by Janina Peltier, thirdplace- “Whooo Are You? By The Who” by Michael Starnes, honorable mentions- Michael Starnes, Kim Mickow, Angelina Ward, Beverly Meekes, Christy Peters. Carrie Whetsell, Elle Sartain, Helen Johnston, Rebekah Huntand Janina Peltier.
PROFICIENT NATURE COLOR:Firstplace- “Nature in Motion” by Bud Shinall, secondplace- “Cataloochee Dawn” by Bud Shinall, thirdplace- “Last Days of Autumn” by Charles Edwards, honorable mentions- K. Michelle Jenkins, Sherry Roberts, Pam Conley, Charles Edwards, Rob Storrs, Lynn Crumley, Tna Graham, John Downey, Debbie Ramey, Jim Cook, Joey Rutherford, James Price, Regina Shinall, Sarah Smithand Hector Ramirez.
PROFICIENT NATURE MONOCHROME:Firstplace- “Standing in Awe” by Pam Conley, secondplace- “Watching and Waiting” by Pam Conley, thirdplace- “Trees: Jack’s Creek Series” by Rob Storrs, honorable mentions- Pam Conley, Laura Webb, Jim Cookand Regina Shinall.
PROFICIENT PICTORIAL COLOR:Firstplace- “Photographer” by Eric Donahue, secondplace- “Burrowing Owl” by Charles Edwards, thirdplace- “Sunset at the River Course” by Lynn Crumley, honorable mentions- K. Michelle Jenkins, Bob Soyars, Rick Currie, Charles Edwards, Sandra Keen, Lynn Crumley, Frank Renault, Tina Graham, John Downey, Regina Shinall, Bud Shinall, Michelle Harless, Marie Bennettand James Price.
PROFICIENT PICTORIAL MONOCHROME:Firstplace- “Old Cowboy” by Rick Currie, secondplace- “Sweet Java” by Bob Soyars, thirdplace- “The Shape of Light” by Pam Conley, honorable mentions- Bob Soyars, Pam Conley, Rob Storrs, Sandra Keen, Joey Rutherfordand Bud Shinall.
MASTERS NATURE COLOR:Firstplace- “Morning Glow” by Belinda Bridwell, secondplace- “Mother and Chick” by Belinda Bridwell, thirdplace- “Nature Repeats Itself” by Mark Roberts, honorable mentions- Mark Roberts, Terri Campbelland Jim Rigsby.
MASTERS NATURE MONOCHROME:Firstplace- “Chapel Rock (infrared) by Terri Campbell, secondplace- “Heart of Stone” by Terri Campbell, thirdplace- “Starstruck” by Terri Campbell, honorable mentions- Mark Roberts and Terri Campbell.
MASTERS PICTORIAL COLOR:Firstplace- “Amis Shares it’s Splendor” by Jim Rigsby, secondplace- “Sunflowers of the Smokies” by Belinda Bridwell, thirdplace- “White lilies” by Jim Rigsby, honorable mentions- Mark Roberts and Terri Campbell.
MASTERS PICTORIAL MONOCHROME:Firstplace- “Contemplation” by Mark Roberts, secondpPlace- “Crisp Point Lighthouse” by Terri Campbell, thirdplace- “ Teringua 1903” by Terri Campbell, honorable mentions- Mark Roberts and Jim Rigsby.
PROFICIENT/MASTERS CARRIE PENLEY SPECIAL THEME “SONGS”:Firstplace- “Isn’t She Lovely” by Belinda Bridwell, secondplace- “Thunderstruck by AC/DC” by Mark Roberts, thirdplace- “Jump by Van Halen” by Belinda Bridwell, honorable mentions- Pam Conley, Rob Storrs, Lynn Crumley, Laura Webb, Joey Rutherford, Michelle Harless, Tina Graham and Jim Rigsby.
BEST OF SHOW:“Morning Glow” by Belinda Bridwell
JERRY PENLEY “I LOVE THE BLUE RIDGE/APPALACHIAN REGION” AWARD:“Hideaway” by Terri Campbell.This is Terri Campbell’s fifth straight win in this category.
PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD: “Let’s Take a Boat Ride” by April Grenti.