The "Lone Star" quilt square and some of the Watauga Valley Art League Members who helped create it.
The painted 4' x 4' quilt square "Lone Star" was recently finished by some Watauga Valley Art League (WVAL) members.
This was the fifth quilt finished by WVAL whichincluded Patsy Reading, Sharon Neuhaus, Marianne Alderman, Don Gotterbarn, Jo Ruth Counts Hughes, Priscilla Sobol, Jean Corbett, Bill Cruikshank, stitcher; Chick Bogart, Vickie Fellers and Joan Elliott.
The "Lone Star" quilt square will be displayed on the Crumley Barn in Carter County, Tenn. The WVAL members are doing this for Appalachian RC&D Council in Jonesborough.
Roy Settle is the coordinator and requested the group do the quilt. Settle brings the board, the quilt pattern to paint, and supplies all the paint, tape and finishing coat. The materials are furnished by the Appalachian RC & D, and the artists volunteer their time and talents to complete the painting of this intricate quilt design.
The artists are worked weekly at the pavilion in the Market Street Kiwanis Park during Urban Bird's morning art class in Johnson City. In the past the WVAL has painted four other quilt squares. All were 4'x4' except the one for the Hart Barn on Watauga Road "Hearts & Gizzards" which was an 8'x8' square.
WVAL did a "Crazy Quilt" for the school house next to the Heritage Museum in Unicoi County. The other two were for the Chamber of Commerce in Carter County. They were both alike and called "Strawberry Vine." Many others have been painted by local schools. You can check out where the quilt squares are located by going to