Alexandria McCoo of Bristol, Va., contributed this artwork with her (Mildly) Scary Story entry. Her story did not win, but her artwork impressed the judges so much that they requested it appear on the page with the winning stories. McCoo is studying digital media and fine art at East Tennessee State University. "Art is a hobby and passion" for the 2009 graduate of Bristol Virginia High School. "I enjoy drawing cartoony things. I just love it," she said.
*** Published: October 31, 2010 in the Bristol Herald Courier. ***
Winners of the Bristol Herald Courier's (Mildly) Scary Story Contest and their stories include:
-- Lisa Poole's "A Frozen Halloween" (adult category)
-- "A Bad Bet" by Monroe Sparks (ages 13-18) and
-- Griffin McAvoy's "Are You Scared Yet?" (age 12 and younger).
-- Meet the judges.