Scott MacMorran has had an unusual career arc.
Theatre Bristol’s Cathy DeCaterina School of Theatre Arts presents upcoming classes and workshops for both onstage and offstage experiences.
The ETSU Martin Center for the Arts kicks off its inaugural Broadway season Jan. 25-26with “Annie,” presented by Bravissima: Women Sponsoring the Arts.
Do more of what you love.
Tusculum University’s international literary journal, which combines the talents of prominent and up-and-coming writers with student editors to produce compelling literature and illustrations, is back for its 18th volume.
A music teacher whose passion for the subject inspired students she taught for about 35 years paid it forward with a planned gift for a newly established scholarship that will support
Linda Dobkins creates historical fiction and mysteries
Helen French, who is now a sculptor, began her career as a physical therapist – a career she pursued for 46 years.
Ann Vance became heavily involved with Theatre Bristol because of her granddaughter, Faith Ann Vance. Prior to that, she was an auxiliary police officer with Bristol, Tennessee.
Elias Newman, who uses the pronoun they, got involved in theater at the age of 14.
The College for Older Adults at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon, Virginia, has been offering enrichment classes for “older adults” who are more than 50 years old.
Virginia Highlands Community College, Abingdon, Virginia, offers several music classes beginning in January.
The Arts Alliance Mountain Empire announces the call for nominations for its ninth annual Arts Achievement Awards.
Book clubs or groups have become increasingly popular with the COVID pandemic.
Two of the finest contemporary exponents of banjo and percussive dance draw upon tunes and gestures from Appalachia, Ireland and beyond for a performance Jan. 26 at Emory & Henry College.
Governor Youngkin and First Lady Suzanne S. Youngkin presented the Spirit of Virginia Award to William King Museum of Art in November,
Dr. Felicia Mitchell is the featured writer in the “Sunday with Friends” event Sunday, Jan. 29 at 3 p.m. at the Washington County Public Library in Abingdon, Virginia.
New Orleans based The Deslondes take the stage on WBCM Radio Bristol’s Farm and Fun Time live variety show at 7 p.m., Jan 12, in the performance theater at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum, Bristol, Virginia.
Producing Artistic Director Katy Brown announced Barter Theatre’s 90th season.
An exhibition of photography based on the idea of transformation opens in January at the McGlothlin Center Art Gallery at Emory & Henry College.
It’s time to start a new year, and you know what that means? Resolutions.